Design & Consultancy
Design is a key fundamental when embarking on a any project whether it’s a single room solution, cinema room, or full scale residential or commercial project. Understanding key requirements in the early stages is crucial in achieving the project goals and objectives later on.
Design development also plays a crucial role as changes or alterations are commonly made throughout the course of any project and with timelines in most instances still need to be met the experience needed to adapt a design with a compliant solution is an essential skill and we are well versed in this field. We understand the needs of all team members from architects, consultants, to M & E contractors and the needs of accurate design information in real time ensuring smooth processes in a live situation.
We are happy to work in a design and consultancy only capacity as well as on our own projects with experience working alongside similar companies in a constructive manner.
See how we could help using the contact link below.

Have a new project or just need some expert advice? Get in touch for a free consultation and connect with us so that we can better understand your needs and work together to develop innovative solutions that make a difference.
Define The Goals
Set The Objectives
Develop The Plan
Our Process
Our methodology. Once the initial consultation process is complete, we work closely with our clients and team members to develop the design, overcome complications, and remain fully committed through to successful completion. We adopt a stage process which aligns with the RIBA plan of work stages 0-6.
Team players. We understand in all projects there are many variables and all need to work collaboratively towards a common goal. The success of a project rests on all involved working collaboratively together, contributing, sharing their expertise, skills, and knowledge with other members of the team. Having flexibility, being adaptable, and able to adjust their approach to fit the needs of the team and the project. A positive attitude, being responsible and taking account of ourselves and team we believe are a fundamental to a successful project and we embrace this in everything we do.
On Time And On Budget
We have the skills and industry knowledge to deliver projects on budget and on time. Not everyone has an unlimited budget to work with so delivering to the clients expectations can sometimes be challenging so we take a pragmatic approach and can quickly identify a suitable direction to provide the best technology available considering budgetary requirements.